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Automatic Milk Collection Unit jaipur


Milk Collection DPU , Dairy foftware for Comoupter, Dairy software for mobile use any where. Connect Dairy DPU with Ekomilk ultra, Balaji DPU, Lactoscan , Essae, With RS232 Port. Connect your mobile dairy software via Bluetooth and use Milk entry , Send SMS, Print Daily Milk Bills, Print Fat, SNF, CLR and Milk amount.  Also can download dairy software on your computer laptop desktop, Automatic milk collection system come with 1. Milk analyzer 2 Stirer / Milk Vibrator 3. MERI DAIRY DPU 4. DAIRY SOFTWARE MOBILE APP 5.Bettery Backup (can charge with Solar) 6. Weight machine for two Milk can Amcu can be purchased from all india and special offer for Jaipur Rajasthan, Jammu kaasmir ,Bangal , Hisar haryana , Punchkula , Bihar ,  Uttar pardesh, punjab, maharashtra , Andrapardesh . Meri dairy From Jaipur Rajasthan